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QR to Job (no registration required)

QR to Job (no registration required)

The QR to Job feature is a new way for recruitment teams to be able to advertise jobs they are seeking to recruit staff for which does not require a candidate to have registered within the job board to complete an application. The candidate details such as email address are not mandatory within the job application form to allow candidates who have challenges with technology access to apply and be considered for a job before support is provided for onboarding.


Candidates who are hiring from this method are prompted to register to access onboarding when that is triggered within hiring.

To get the QR code or link to apply to the job directly access the edit job screen and scroll to the bottom to open the edit marketing pop up.

Click on Senior Kazoo player…

Click on Edit Marketing



Scrolling to the bottom of this will reveal two links for download. A high fidelity version for onscreen display and a printable version. These QR codes can be used within recruitment advertising to allow candidates to apply to jobs directly.

Click on Close



Candidates who have applied via this method are flagged as NR within  the job view for Not registered.


Graphical user interface, text, application, Word

Description automatically generated

This is to allow visibility for any additional support and for reporting.


Note: It is advised to be thoughtful as to where the QR codes are displayed and shared as removing of the registration requirement to apply for the job can leave an organisation open to spam or malicious applications.