1. From the event dashboard click the “Edit” icon from the event you wish to edit.
Click the Event’s name to go to attendees’ page and click edit event.
2. Edit Options:
a.Event Title
b.Notes for Invitees
c. Allow inviting/assigning more candidates than capacity – Just tick or untick the box
d. Calendar color – You can edit the calendar color by clicking the drop down.
- Choose a color from the color palette by dragging the cursor.
- You can also search for the specific color by typing it in the search box
e. RSVP – you can change by Hours or by Day by clicking the drop down and edit the number or hours or days
f. Day – edit the date by clicking the Calendar Icon.
g. Start and End Time – edit the start and end time by clicking on the Clock Icon.
- You can customize the time by typing it directly in the start and end time box.
h. Managers – you can add, change or remove assign managers just reselect on the drop down list or if you’re going to change multiple time slots manager just tick the box and click on “Add Manager” icon.
For every changes like adding, removing and changing the assign managers they will receive email notification.
i. Location – You can add and edit the location just type it directly in the box or if multiple changes tick the box and click on “Add Location” icon.
j. Capacity – change the capacity number by typing it directly in the box.
k. Delete – tick the box of the time slot you wanted to delete and click the “Delete” icon.
How to Add Files:
You can add files after saving or creating a new event it will be on the edit page.
- Click Add New File.
- Click on “Select files”
The system only accepts PDF files.
- After selecting files click on Upload Files and you will see the uploaded files
There will be a preview of the uploaded file in the Job Board if this is only 1 but if it is 2 or more it will be a list.
- You can also delete the files by ticking the box and click Delete icon.
- Click Save.