The report provides a list of all jobs in a time range with all the details relating to the job data.
Example: Client, Cost Centre, Location, Post Date, Closing Date etc. It allows grouping by each parameter.
The new Vacancy Details report will add more dynamic entities to the report like:
- Marketing sources counter - This will show how many candidates indicated the media source of where they heard or found the vacancy.
- Tracking steps counter - This is where we count all candidates who reached a specific Tracking step during the recruitment process.
To add more Tracking Steps to the Report:
1. Go to Admin
2. Click Report Settings
3. Click Add Step under Qualified Candidate Tracking Steps
4. Select a tracking step from the dropdown list from State column then click Add.
To generate a Vacancy Details - with Marketing and Tracking Steps
1. Go to Reports.
2. Click Vacancy Details - with Marketing and Tracking Steps.
3. Select the Dates, Archived Status, Status then click Download Report button.
Report shows Marketing sources like Trade Me, Seek, Newspaper and shows how many candidates indicated the sources.
Report shows total count of candidates who reached the Tracking step.