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Marketing Reports

Marketing report shows the source of hire distribution per location and classification. There are two available marketing reports in PhoenixATS Reports module; the Marketing Activity and the Marketing Current Status reports.

Please note that these reports can only function when the pre-loaded marketing question was added to forms. In order to gather the correct data about how the candidates found the job vacancy, we highly recommend that the pre-loaded marketing question must be added in the application forms. (Click here to see instructions on how to add pre-loaded marketing question to your application form).

Marketing Activity

This marketing report shows the summary of the applicants answers to the question "How did you first hear about this vacancy?" 

Below are the steps on how to generate this report:

1. Go to Reports.


2. Click on "Marketing Activity".

3. Select Start and End Date.

4. Choose a "Status". This is optional. If a status has been chosen, a new column will be added to the report table containing values of candidates who were processed and who are currently in the specified status.

5. Choose a graph type between bar graph or radar graph.

6. You also have options to specify which jobs, locations and classifications the data will be generated from.

7. Click "Preview" button to refresh the report page.


8. To view details about the report, click on the graph to see the details per job


Marketing Current Status

This report is almost similar with the "Marketing Activity" report. The only difference is that when a status has been chosen in the "Status" field, the system counts only the candidates who are currently in the specified status. 


Marketing Activity Marketing Current Status

If a status has been chosen, a new column will be added to the report table containing values of candidates who were processed and who are currently in the specified status.


When a status has been chosen in the "Status" field, a new column will be added to the report table. The system counts only the candidates who are currently in the specified status.