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Mapping Reusable Form fields

Configuration Guide for reusable form fields within Ready Employ

This is a guide for configuring form fields used within Ready Employ for reuse.

Configuring form fields for future usage capability reduces the manual input needed and helps speed up the process for both candidates and recruiters, while reducing the risk of incorrect values being introduced.

Configuring fields for Data Capture


All fields within forms are now able to have a field name associated with the field. This is linked to the internal name and is selectable in the form editing functionality.

Within the edit form functionality, the drop-down field for mapping the reusable fields is at the bottom left of each question. These are set to none by default and require selections to be made and saved for this to be updated into forms.

Please note that this will impact existing forms and may be experienced by candidates. For example, when field mapping is completed and the candidate returns to a form they have previously begun when they page is refreshed, they will see values for the mapped fields appear.


Registration Form


Special Project Forms


ATR Forms

By selecting Employee Name which has been previously set in the application, the name will populate throughout the form for the recruiter. Additionally, when the Start date and salary are entered, these are available for the contracts module to detect and include in contracts via smart tag.



Official Forms

Official forms act differently and have a different configuration method but can still use information captured in standard forms using the mapped fields.

Defining Smart tags


Tags are defined in the official tags area within the payroll integration settings for use within official forms such as contracts, tax forms, and offer letters. These documents are created using the defined smart tags and loaded into the document library. The field values are then populated into the smart tags when used within a workflow.


Smart tag format within Documents

Standard smart tag formatting is needed within the official documents stored in the documents section. Documents are formatted with the specific smart tag formatting %%FIELD_NAME%% (always all Capitals) to include fields information captured.


Question tags